To: University System Presidents, VPAAs, VPSAs, CBOs, CHROs, and General Counsels
From: USG Office of Legal Affairs
Date: October 03, 2024

This memorandum serves as USG Legal Affairs’ periodic guidance regarding free expression and political activity in the University System of Georgia (USG). With the approach of the 2024 General Election, we are providing this guidance to summarize questions that we often receive during campaign season about certain USG policies related to political activity. Please share this information with your campus communities.

Employee Expression of Political Opinions – BOR Policy

The USG respects the free expression rights of USG employees to share their personal views on political issues. Sharing these personal political views must be done only in an employee’s personal capacity and in a manner that does not interfere with work or involve improper use of state resources. Likewise, USG employees must not hold themselves out as speaking or acting on behalf of the USG or its institutions when participating in political activities. Employees must also take reasonable measures to avoid any appearance that the individual employee’s participation is in an official capacity as an employee of the USG or its institutions.

USG employees may list their employment status, title, affiliation with USG or a USG institution, or similar information in an external biographical description so long as they make it clear when expressing personal political views—whether at an external speaking engagement, on social media, or elsewhere—that they are speaking in their own personal capacity and not in their capacity as an employee of or on behalf of USG or a USG institution. Employees also may not use state property, resources, or materials (including work email or other information technology resources) or work time to communicate these personal political views. Finally, employees are prohibited from using any USG registered trademarks when expressing personal opinions on political issues unless expressly authorized to do so.

Employee Involvement in Political Campaigns – BOR Policy

Individuals may not hold elective political office at the state or federal level while employed by the USG. Any employee seeking federal or state elective office must notify his or her direct supervisor and request a leave of absence without pay prior to qualifying as a candidate.

Employees are also prohibited from managing or taking an active part in political campaigns during work hours or where such involvement would otherwise interfere with work responsibilities. Under no circumstances may employees use any state property, resources, or materials in conjunction with any political campaigning.

Use of Institution Facilities in Political Campaigns – BOR Policy 6.14.1

During campaign season, political candidates often seek to engage in campaign activities on USG campuses. Under BOR Policy 6.14.1, the President of each institution may authorize the use of institution facilities for political speeches; however, these speech events must be sponsored by recognized organizations of the institution and can be held only at places designated by the President. At no time can USG materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, or vehicles be used in political campaigns. This includes the use of student activity fee funding allocated to a registered organization to pay event space fees for a political campaign event or other campaign expenses.

The full text of these policies can be found in the Board of Regents Policy Manual.

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